Monday, March 25, 2024

#45 - "You will not be forgotten in Palmeira..."🥹🥺 (3/25/24)

Me and the temple

Bom dia todos! E aí? Pessoas Nos Estados Unidos, primavera já chegou? Estamos entrando inverno novamente aqui em Brazil e estou vestindo com uma chaqeta todos os dias! [Good morning everyone! And there? People In the United States, has spring already arrived? We're entering winter again here in Brazil and I'm wearing a chaqeta every day!]

Last pic with Elder Salmon

Good morning guys!! How are ya? Im writing this while in an Ônibus heading towards Curitiba! Thats right, IM BEING TRANSFERED! All i know is that I will work close to my first area, Almirante Tamandaré, and will be training a new american missionary, Elder Black, in a new area! (There is a missionary word for when the President changes the companionship completely in an area, if anybody knows, please let me know cause I forgot!) But in other news, heres the update on this past week:

Elder Black!!

 Last district counsel call!
Monday - Last District Council of the Transfer! We ended up taking a group selfie (photo below). Today we also had a churrasco with our investigator Juliana! She has a HUGE house and is super smart not only in life but the Bible also (só she asks a lot of deep questions to me😅) but she offered a barbeque for us and it was SUPER good!

Juliana and the Elders

Tuesday - Woke up today with an upset something (I think i ate too much from the churrasco) so Elder Salmon and I worked on tech until lunch and then left after lunch. We ended up visiting our friend Luiz who said he wasnt able to watch the "Joseph Smith" vídeo we sent him só i helped him access it on his phone and then he just started watching! Só while he was watching that we sat there quietly and may or may not have watched "The proposal" that was on the TV in portuguese 🤣 Later that night we got back home and found ANTS on our wall! It was disgusting and i ended up sweeping them out

Ants on the wall

Wednesday - We went to go visit our recent convert, Vinicius, and instead of giving a lesson about Christ, we ended up giving and english lesson and helped him with his english class hmwk. Ngl, I didn't even know majority of the questions about the history of England! We then went to go visit this family who showed interest in the church and when I asked to use the bathroom, I passed a bed room with what I thought was 2 babies on the bed. When I looked again it was just 2 baby dolls but it was the only thing in the room, it kinda scared me. We then ended our day visiting a couple that went to church, Neiri and Amadeu. Neiri was baptized as a 15 year old but never went back to church and they both ended up going to church last sunday so we passed by to talk about baptism with Neiris husband. When I was about to do the invite, Neiri ended up doing it for me and Amadeu accepted! Neiri also had us help with an english massager machine she got and when Amadeu tried it, he yelled "YOOWW!" and scared all of us! I love how Amadeu acts like an old, funny grandpa!

Vinicius and Italo

YOUNG MEN! {Mom note: This is the class at church for the youth]

Thursday - (I actually don't have much written for today other than inviting Pablo to be baptized. He wants to but one of his parents doesn't so we are trying to talk to them, please pray for Pablo)


Elder Salmon, Eva, and I at the temple
Friday - Today we went to the Temple... WITH OUR RECENT CONVERT EVA!! I was so happy to finally go to the temple with her and see her come to the Lord's house!

Temple group

Saturday - To all of my "Avatar the Last Airbender Fans", I found someone today who had a trunk full of cabbages and immediately thought of the cabbage dude, "MY CABBAGES!". Got a good laugh out of that! We ended up having an activity today as a branch with ice cream, tag, and some fun games. It was sweet to see everyone together

Luiz, Elayne, and Noah

Sunday - My last Sunday and day in Palmeira. I know that it was a blessed day because we brought 10 investigators to church! I was also asked to give a final testimony to everyone and when I got up to share my testimony, I immediately choked up and started to cry. I remember looking out at everyone who I had met and those who I had helped come unto Christ (it also didn't help that everyone was crying as well). I could tell the spirit was among us and that I had fulfilled Gods purposes for me in Palmeira. Right after church, everyone got up to say goodbye to me, give me hugs, and the phrase I kept hearing is that "you will not be forgotten in Palmeira". Palmeira holds a special place in my heart and I know my time there was well spent. I ended up spending the rest of the day saying bye to all my friends, crying a lot, and also administring the sacrament to someone with a chocolate bar😅

Elouise e Presidente John

Luis (blue suit)

After about 6 months in Palmeira (a fourth of my mission) I am now training again in Boa Vista Jardim Osasco with Elder Black! The adventures of A Fisher and his Fish are done for now but I look forwad to seeing what God has in store for us here. To all those who are looking for a little more strength or guidance, the best place you can go is to the Lord. Counsel with him (Alma 37:37)

Book of mormon power!

Ate o proximo!

-Elder Fisher

Monday, March 18, 2024

#44 - Mosquitos & Sunburns🦗🌞 (3/18/24)

Sunburned fisher of men in the wild
 E aí a gente! Como vai? Agora estamos numa supermercado tendo almoço. O x Bacon é muito bom! Minha recomendação se alguém quiser saber! [And there we are! How are you? Now we are in a supermarket having lunch. The x Bacon is very good! My recommendation if anyone wants to know!]

                                                                    Photo op PT. 1 & 2

Hey guys! How's it going? Once again, a Fisher of men and his trusty "Salmon" were looking for bucket loads of fish this last week and caught a lot of of them! We had a lot of miracles this week and here I am to relate a few:

Shoutout to the Sisters Christensen and Wells (who sent pics to us w/ similar faces)
 [Mom note: What's with the hair?!?!]

Monday - Had my interview with Prez today to see how I am. I love how Prez will ask 2-3 questions quickly to see how I am and then striaght into, "how's the work?", "how are the elders?", "is anyone breaking the rules?". He is straight to the point. He also gave me good advice of really connecting our investigators with other members who may have a similar story as someone else. Its helping the work a lot! Elder Salmon and I also bought some coconuts and had some fun breaking them and making smoothies out of them. I even tried throwing the coconut at the ground... found out Hammers are better! 


Tuesday - When the climate changes, many things change. One for instance, is MOSQUITOS! Literally every moment we stopped to relate, talk to someone, or teach in a house, i was swatting at my face to get rid of the mosquitos! Let's just say I used up a LOT of mosquito repelent that day. On top of that, while walking around, Elder Salmon found a bees nest and decided to throw a rock at it. He ended up hitting it down and before we knew what happen... we were already running down the street!🤣 We also taught our friend Wilson today the restoration and something that sat with me is after the lesson when he thanked us for the message because it was different from what people normally do and share. Just goes to show, our message is different from others and people will recognize it with the Holy Ghost!

ZL's with Cris

Wednesday - DIVISION WITH THE ZL's!!! We got to work with our new ZL: Elder Rodriguez! Turns out he has just 6 more weeks left on the mission! (While we were working, he actually recieved his flight ticket and plan by text) It was really cool to work with him and have him speak to people in Spanish (he is from Uruguay) and see all the experience he has as a missionary. Let's just say, I have a lot to learn still! I hope that I will get to see him at byu provo after the mish!

All the elders in the road!

Thursday - Today I finally achieved my goal of getting someone to think I am Brazilian! We were walking on the road and starting talking to this one man (who was drunk) and asked who we were. We presented ourselves as missionaries and Americans and the man said "You guys aren't American, your brazilian!". WOOHOO!! I can finally pull off being brazilian now😆 we also tried inviting him to church and giving him a book of mormon but it didn't work. Later that night, Elder Salmon and I ordered a pizza thinking it would take an hour to get to our house. When we were on the road of our house we heart a motorcycle in front of us honking its horn. IT ARRIVED EARLY, we thought and immediately ran. We ended up missing him as he left... luckly he came back 5 minutes later. (may be a good repentance analogy now that i think about it😅)

Friday - Woke up this morning to this light mist which I thought was snow! Today we had a very spiritual lesson with our friend Andre. It was our first lesson with him and when I asked him about who God and Jesus Christ were to him, he gave me a story of how he really doesn't know. He was searching but doesn't know now. Right as he said these things, the Holy Ghost took over. Scriptures started flooding to my mind and all I remember is sharing a powerful testimony of how God loves all of us and above all, Andre. It was very still and peacful as I spoke and I can tell something touched him because he sat stunned and told us he would read the Book of Mormon. We haven't seen him since but I know the Holy Ghost is working with him.  

Vinicius = Elder Fisher

Saturday - Had christmas at the chapel today when we found new cleaning supplies! Immediately starting using them🤣 Today we also went to visit this family who had a lot of questions and is also searching for answers and they offered us a free lunch! We sat there talking to them about their life and how they grew up collecting potatos for a living. It was cool to just talk with them! Later that night, we went to confirm people to church near the house of our friend Vinicius. He saw us and asked what we were doing. When we explained, he led us to a family and we taught about the Book of Mormon and left a copy with them! As we were leaving, I saw the mother reading already! (THANKS VINICIUS #futuremissionary)

Cleaning the pool

Sunday - Sadly today, the baptisms of Pablo and Erica fell through (no worries we will talk to them this week!) but we brought 3 of our friends to church! Ari, Amadeu, and Juliana! We asked Juliana what she thought about it and she had some questions so we went past her house and holy cow! HER HOUSE IS HUGE! We ended up teaching her about the restoration, book of mormon, word of wisdom, All of these things. She is very intelligent and curious so we are excited to work with her and I loved when she said, "I don't believe things just happen. They have a reason. So I believe there is a reason God put us together." I am excited to see her progression!

Elder Rodriguez

This week I truly realized the power of "connecting" and how our success as missionaries is determined by our "dedication". We each go through things, but there may be people who have passed through something similar and can help us. If we just ask if we can connect people whether it be in person or exchanging numbers, I think we can be more like Christ and know how to help guide one another (Alma 7:11-13)

Cris holding a whip

Love you all! I look forward to talking to you all next week and letting you know where I go next transfer! Ate!

-Elder Fisher

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

#43 - PISTACHIO PUDDING!🟢🥜 (3/11/13)

 Boa tarde a gente! Como vai? Como vocês estão? Não vou mentir, estes dias atrás foram quente de mais! Queimei bastante😅 Precio usar protetor solar! [Good afternoon everyone! How are you? How are you? I'm not going to lie, these past few days were really hot! I burned a lot😅 I need to use sunscreen!]

Lunch with the branch

Hey guys! And just like that, Elder Fisher is here again to give you another update from a Fisher of men in Brazil! Here's the week in review:

Monday - As missionaries, we sometimes meet with all the missionaries in our "Zone" for a brief meeting and training. Our Zone consists of missionaries in Ponta Grossa and us 4 in Palmeira. So when we recieved word that we would have a zone meeting at 10AM, we had no way to get there. So us 4 elders joined through a call... we couldn't hear anything 😅 But the big highlight: I MADE PISTACHIO PUDDING!! (Thx mom!) It has been so long since I have had pistachio pudding and just to let you all know, IT IS DELICIOUS! I recommend everyone run to the store now and buy some..... have you guys gone to the store yet?🤣


Tuesday - Today we went to visit a Facebook Reference Mayra. We have visited her for about 4 weeks now but it wasn't until today did I learn her dogs names are Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson! Today was also the first day I have held a cigarete and before people think, "ELDER FISHER, YOU SMOKE!", we are helping Mayra stop smoking so we took some of the cigaretes and they went straight into the trash! A funny moment today was at a grocery store while Elder Salmon was in the bathroom. I was lost in thought and all of a sudden a soccer ball was stuck between my legs! Thanks Gabriel😆

Random pic w/ Elder Salmon & a dog (below)

Wednesday - MISSION DEVOCIONAL: Today we really focused on obediance (especially as a missionary). As missionaries we have specific rules to help us focus on the work and stay safe. Something President shared with us is that a True Friend will think "celestial" and will speak up to you if your straying from the path. A true friend wants you to have the best in life and doesn't want to leave room for Satan to have any power over you. If someone is doing something you know is wrong, speak up with love! We are to help the welfare of their souls (2 Nephi 2:30). Today we also found this kid named Gabriel that plays Saxphone! He played a song for us! Also visited this lady named Erica who has like 14 dogs! During our lesson I felt encircled by them. But we ended up finishing the day eating some of our friend Cris's cooking (and the cake was delicious!)

Cris food!

Thursday - Visited our friend Ari today and his wife Layla! We talked about the plan God has for us and the importance of Temples with them and during the lesson, these small kittens appeared from no where! They also have a dog named Hulk that will look at us from this small peep hole! (Pictures below) 

Hulk the dog

Friday - While making contacts on the road today, we met Rodrigo. Best part, he still believes in Santa and the Easter bunny! He also said he is modern day Santa Claus (I hope I get a gift from him then!) Also found out that my companion, Elder Salmon, has never watched Avatar the Last Airbender! Shoutout to my BYU roommates and friends that watched that with me every Wednesday night! Today I also held my first thing of cerveja... that was immediately thrown in the trash (we held our friend Amauri who has a drinking problem)

My son Elder Salmon

Saturday - Today we found a couple: Amadeu and Nihri! Turns out, Nihri was baptized when she was 15 and hasn't been back for over 40 years! We ended up having "tea time" with them. They gave us some "cha" and "mini sonhos" which are basically munchkins and they said they would come to church sometime!


Sunday - Today we had help from the Stake presidency to bring people to church and visit some people! My friend Petro showed up at 7:30 and we make a plan to bring as many people as we could to church. I worked with Bruno who was baptized about a year ago! Sadly we weren't able to bring anyone but our friend Pedro (who is 60) showed up at church out of no where! He also watched the baptism that happened for the other Elders! I think Pedro liked it and we are going to talk to him more this week

Cleaning the pool

Something I read this week in my personal study was recommended me from my friend Cris: Doctrine and Covenants 3:1-3, which speaks that the works of God can't be frustrated, only the works of men. At times we may get frustrated that things aren't going our way but this scripture helps us realize, that God's plan is still happening the right way no matter what. You just need to aline your will with his.

Lunch with Iraci

As always, I love you all and hope your doing well! I love hearing from you guys and if you need anything, feel free to let me know!

Ate o proximo!

-Elder Fisher

Monday, March 4, 2024

#42 - Brazil Aquariam?!🐟🐢🦑 (3/4/24)

Sitting on a rock
Bom dia todos! Como vai? Quais coisas aconteceram esta semana passada com vocês? Alguém acordou um dia esta semana e achou água no chão? Porque achei!😆

[Good morning everyone! How are you? What things happened this past week to you? Did anyone wake up one day this week and find water on the floor? Because I found it!😆]

plaque that a local can make for missionaries for purchase

Good morning guys! Another week has come and gone but as always, I got some more memories and experiences that will stay with me forever! I hope you're all well and that you all have had the chance to listen to the song "Over Mine" in the new 2024 Youth album cause it is good!

Prepping the font (pool)

Baptism of Larissa

Elder Abreu and me
Anywho, heres the memories and experiences from this last week with 2 americans whose names relate to fish and fishing [see pic below]:

Monday - Got another trim today! We actually met these teens who spoke some english so I was practicing english with them. One of them asked for my insta and I showed it to him. He then sent me an invite and I told him, "Cool! I'll accept it in a year."😅 Random moment today was when we were going back home from eating dinner and there was an army of dogs that was just following us, maybe like 15 dogs. Elder Salmon was going to throw a rock at them but we just ended up walking and praying the dogs didn't attack us (luckly they didn't!)

Elder Salmon carrying a dog

Tuesday - Today we met this dude named Lucas! He is pretty chill. We were looking for a reference and found him. We presented ourselves as missionaries and asked if he attended a church and was already baptized. He then responded that he wasn't baptized by water yet and that we don't need to. He then asked me where it says we need to be baptized with water and literally the Holy Ghost took over and just brought the scriptures to my mind. After I used these scriptures (#Doctrine), Lucas was like, "...oh"😅 We are now teaching him. We also went shopping for food for lunch and we heard crickets in the store! We tried searching for them but weren't able to find them. So word of caution, you may want to check your cereal box to see if a cricket is there! Later that day we also got drenched in a Thunder storm that appeared from no where!


Wednesday - Now to talk about the title of this email! As missionaries, we recieve references or referrals for people who want to learn more or recieve a book of mormon. In Palmeira, we don't really recieve any. But, WE GOT ONE! We got one for Angelina and she wanted a Book of Mormon. We ended up passing by, teaching her family about it, giving them one and they asked us, "Do you want to see our aquariam?". I couldn't deny a visit so we looked and they had like 5 tanks of FISH! Turtles, fish, axolotls (idk how to spell), they also had hamsters! IT WAS AWESOME! Later that day we made some visits with Cris and Luis and had a full blown Feast with them! It was delicious. I also found a moth in my first while I was talking with another companionship (something I do as District Leader) and it freaked me out!

Dinner with Cris and Luis

Thursday - 9 MONTHS! I am halfway through a Sister missionaries mission! Shoutout to the Sisters from my CTM District! You guys are awesome! We had a storm during the night and I woke up to make sure the doors and windows were closed but I think one was left open bc when I went into our closet, we had WATER EVERYWHERE on the floor! (Don't worry, i got a mop and cleaned it and only the floor was wet!) We also had an awesome interaction with this lady who was walking back home with her grociers. Elder Salmon and I offered to walk with her in a storm with her grociers and right as it stopped, her daughter found her with the car. They thanked us for the help and asked if we could share a message with them another time. Even though it was pouring like crazy, I am happy to see how God blesses our efforts of service!


Friday - Went to the temple today and the other Elders brought a recent convert also! I got to show her around the temple garden. I also kept count of how many times old ladies called us beautiful during our work today and I counted at least 10 times! A new record!

Fishing with bread

Saturday - Went fishing with BREAD! As missionaries, each week we need to send a post to the Sister missionaries to use for our Facebook. We found this cool lake to take a picture at and when we asked for permission, these guys were like "sure, take this bread also and feed the fish". Now I want to go fishing. Today we also met my new friend for life: William! He is 9 years old and just started talking to us in the road. He invited us to his house and know his family. He asked if we wanted water and brought us coffee!😆 Sadly we don't drink coffee so he got soda instead. He also told us we are his friends, gave us hugs, offered us his stuffed animals, and played cards with us. William is awesome!

WILLIAM (and stuffed animals)

Sunday - Alisson was baptized! We had been trying to help Alisson for about 3 weeks now and finally, we got him to church! He was so excited he tried entering the pool before we started the baptism! Our zone also had about 15 baptisms all together today!7 Later that night, we visited Rosa (Alissons grandma) and her family got 2 new dogs who started peeing all over the house!🤣

Alisson and family

Me and Alisson

The fishers with Alisson

Honestly was a great week! During my study (reading the Book of Mormon in Portuguese) I read Alma 32 that talks about faith. I really like verses 17, 18, and 21 that explains how faith isn't knowing something. I feel like this is what makes faith so cool! You don't know everything but you have the ability to hope and trust in something. You don't have this ability if you know something.

Love you all and how your well!

tiny watermelon?

Ate mais!

-Elder Fisher (🐟er)

[Mom note: While chatting today Devin made the pistachio pudding we sent to him for Christmas and he was so happy, even if the milk there made it taste a little different]