Monday, April 22, 2024

#49 - Stake Conference = Elders babysitting🫡👨‍🍼(4/22/24)

E aí a gente? Como vai? Não sei sobre a resto do mundo mas tivemos Conferência da estaca aqui em Boa Vista! Vocês tiveram uma conferência também? [And what about us? How are you? I don't know about the rest of the world, but we had a Stake Conference here in Boa Vista! Did you have a conference too?]

(Nice photo for mother)

Hey guys! After running to get lunch, get a haircut, do some shopping, and answering a drunk guys random questions about sheep and colors (I will explain next week!🤣), here I am with another summary of "The Fishers in Black" in Jardim Osasco!

Monday - CHURRASCO! We went to go visit the other Elders in our District and had a Churrasco! If any of you know Tuacanos or Braza Grill (Sean we are going after the mish and if anyone wants to come, let me know!), it is like that were people pass by and offer you all shorts of meat. Without knowing all the different, I just said yes to everything and suffered the consequence of an upset stomach later😅

Early mornings

Tuesday - Rain.... and LOTS of it!🌊 I had my umbrella with me but not my jacket and my comp.... didn't have either! So we were huddled like penguins trying to hit doors and navigate to a store where my comp bought his first umbrella and maybe a ponch or two. While trying to find new people, I knocked on this one door and out of no where this dog came running at me and jumped at my face until it hit the gate! The gate actually almost broke and the dog almost got a new chew toy🐶 Lets say there are times I am thankful for gates here!

Rain ponchos

Wednesday - During the morning, I let Elder Black lead to give him practice to talk to people and knock doors. He led us to this one house with a lady outside her house. I began to talk to her and that's when I noticed she had a knife in her hand she was figiting with. Without question, I shared a quick scripture, set up the next appointment, and kept moving. I still don't know why she had a knife in her hand. (For my sibilings: I also found the chomper the toy after that encounter). Later in the day I had my son try a corn popsicle and the verdict is: "I am weird for liking Corn Popsicles"🤪 Funny moment today was knocking a door and then Elder Black said "Looooolloo" and it opened! It was hard to speak while laughing, my bad

Medicine "shots" (Elder Lopes vomitted) [Mom note: Devin said an elderly
woman told them that as it gets colder she has medicine for them, but called them 'shots']

Thursday - Ward Activity today and... MY SONS FIRST BAPTISM!!! Technically the other Elders found these people to baptize but Elder Black performed the ordinance for his first time. PROUD DAD MOMENT! We were also talking with these youth that are learning english and when we were walking everyone back home in the cold one of them said, "I am freezer!" when she ment to say "I am cold!". I got a good laugh out of that but happy they are practicing!

Baptism of Elders friends

Friday - Woke up in the middle of the night to someone speaking! I couldn't make out the words but I thought someone broke in! I then looked around, saw nothing, and went back to bed. I then woke up again and found out what I thought was a burgler was my comp!😆 Elder Black was sleep talking with a normal voice and woke us all up! Then when we were contacting people, Elder Black said "Eu nao hablo english!". I can't tell but I think he speaks portuguese, spanish, and english. Slowly but surely he is learning and I am happy to see his progress!

Saturday - GIANT VENEZUELAN CHURRASCO! We went to have lunch with these investigators who cooked up a LOT of meat! (When the family went inside, Elder Silva also spit across the table on accident and we broke out laughing, glad that the family didn't see that!) Later that day, we went to teach our friend Antonio and Maria. During our lesson, someone set off a bomb out of no where and Antonio just said, "oh that's normal". Luckly it was just a small one but it freaked me out! Cool spiritual prompting today: we were walking back to our main area of work and found Phoji sitting outside a store. I felt the need to talk with her and first thing she said was "I already go to a church". I then continued to talk with her and found out she was waiting for her friend and left her phone back in Curitiba. I then felt prompted to pull my phone out and I let her call her friend. After waiting about 30 minutes, her friend came and afterwards, she thanked us, called us her angels, and said she will have to think about visiting The Church of Jesus Christ again. I hope she does!

Working the bus
Dog attack

Sunday - Woke up early this morning to prepare for our friend Debora's baptism! When we knocked on their door to wake them up, I immediately got trampled by their dogs and got my pants dirty😅 (this happens a lot to me I think). We then went to the church and had her baptism where her son, Elias a recent convert, said it was a blessing to see his mom follow Christs example and recieve the joy he recieved through baptism all because a "rapaz" (young man) appeared and invited her. Turns out he had been trying to help his mom be baptize for sometime and I just showed up and felt the need and she accepted! Goes to show how God prepares us to be instruments in his hands to teach and be who others need us to be. Then later that day we had Stake Conference and our friend Amalio came with his family all by himself! As the email title says, I sat in the back on the stage with all the youth and started making kootie catchers and offered whatever I could to keep them entertained. Let's just say, thanks mom for teaching me the weird face you know how to do!😂
Débora baptism

An overall awesome week! When I was studying this week, I read in Helaman 14 about the birth of Christ and I love the verses between 12-18, especially 13 as we learn that we can have a remission of our sins through the "merits" of Christ. Truly all of this is possible through him. He is the only path back to the Father and always is calling us back (Mosiah 3:17)


Amo vocês! Até a próxima semana!

- Elder Fisher